Package turbogears :: Package visit :: Module api

Source Code for Module turbogears.visit.api

  1  # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 
  2  """Base API of the TurboGears Visit Framework.""" 
  4  __all__ = [ 
  5      'BaseVisitManager', 
  6      'Visit', 
  7      'VisitFilter', 
  8      'create_extension_model', 
  9      'current', 
 10      'enable_visit_plugin', 
 11      'set_current', 
 12      'start_extension', 
 13      'shutdown_extension', 
 14  ] 
 17  import logging 
 18  try: 
 19      from hashlib import sha1 
 20  except ImportError: 
 21      from sha import new as sha1 
 22  import threading 
 23  import time 
 25  from random import random 
 26  from datetime import timedelta, datetime 
 28  import cherrypy 
 29  import pkg_resources 
 31  from cherrypy.filters.basefilter import BaseFilter 
 32  from turbogears import config 
 33  from turbogears.util import load_class 
 35  log = logging.getLogger("turbogears.visit") 
 37  # Global VisitManager 
 38  _manager = None 
 40  # Global list of plugins for the Visit Tracking framework 
 41  _plugins = list() 
42 43 # Accessor functions for getting and setting the current visit information. 44 -def current():
45 """Retrieve the current visit record from the cherrypy request.""" 46 return getattr(cherrypy.request, "tg_visit", None)
48 -def set_current(visit):
49 """Set the current visit record on the cherrypy request being processed.""" 50 cherrypy.request.tg_visit = visit
52 -def _create_visit_manager(timeout):
53 """Create a VisitManager based on the plugin specified in the config file.""" 54 plugin_name = config.get("visit.manager", "sqlalchemy") 55 plugins = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points( 56 "turbogears.visit.manager", plugin_name) 57 log.debug("Loading visit manager from plugin: %s", plugin_name) 58 provider_class = None 59 for entrypoint in plugins: 60 try: 61 provider_class = entrypoint.load() 62 break 63 except ImportError, e: 64 log.error("Error loading visit plugin '%s': %s", entrypoint, e) 65 66 if not provider_class and '.' in plugin_name: 67 try: 68 provider_class = load_class(plugin_name) 69 except ImportError, e: 70 log.error("Error loading visit class '%s': %s", plugin_name, e) 71 if not provider_class: 72 raise RuntimeError("VisitManager plugin missing: %s" % plugin_name) 73 return provider_class(timeout)
75 76 # Interface for the TurboGears extension 77 78 -def start_extension():
79 global _manager 80 81 # Bail out if the application hasn't enabled this extension 82 if not config.get("visit.on", False): 83 return 84 85 # Bail out if this extension is already running 86 if _manager: 87 log.warning("Visit manager already running.") 88 return 89 90 # How long may the visit be idle before a new visit ID is assigned? 91 # The default is 20 minutes. 92 timeout = timedelta(minutes=config.get("visit.timeout", 20)) 93"Visit Tracking starting (timeout = %i sec).", timeout.seconds) 94 # Create the thread that manages updating the visits 95 _manager = _create_visit_manager(timeout) 96 97 visit_filter = VisitFilter() 98 # Install Filter into the root filter chain 99 if not hasattr(cherrypy.root, "_cp_filters"): 100 cherrypy.root._cp_filters = list() 101 if not visit_filter in cherrypy.root._cp_filters: 102 cherrypy.root._cp_filters.append(visit_filter)
104 -def shutdown_extension():
105 # Bail out if this extension is not running. 106 global _manager 107 if not _manager: 108 return 109"Visit Tracking shutting down.") 110 _manager.shutdown() 111 _manager = None
113 -def create_extension_model():
114 """Create the data model of the VisitManager if one exists.""" 115 if _manager: 116 _manager.create_model()
118 -def enable_visit_plugin(plugin):
119 """Register a visit tracking plugin. 120 121 These plugins will be called for each request. 122 123 """ 124 _plugins.append(plugin)
126 127 -class Visit(object):
128 """Basic container for visit related data.""" 129
130 - def __init__(self, key, is_new):
131 self.key = key 132 self.is_new = is_new
134 135 -class VisitFilter(BaseFilter):
136 """A filter that automatically tracks visitors.""" 137
138 - def __init__(self):
139 get = config.get 140 # Where to look for the session key in the request and in which order 141 self.source = [s.strip().lower() for s in 142 get("visit.source", "cookie").split(',')] 143 if set(self.source).difference(('cookie', 'form')): 144 log.warning("Unsupported 'visit.source' '%s' in configuration.") 145 # Get the name to use for the identity cookie. 146 self.cookie_name = get("", "tg-visit") 147 # and the name of the request param. MUST NOT contain dashes or dots, 148 # otherwise the NestedVariablesFilter will choke on it. 149 self.visit_key_param = get("", "tg_visit") 150 # TODO: The path should probably default to whatever 151 # the root is masquerading as in the event of a 152 # virtual path filter. 153 self.cookie_path = get("visit.cookie.path", "/") 154 # The secure bit should be set for HTTPS only sites 155 self.cookie_secure = get("", False) 156 # By default, I don't specify the cookie domain. 157 self.cookie_domain = get("visit.cookie.domain", None) 158 assert self.cookie_domain != "localhost", "localhost" \ 159 " is not a valid value for visit.cookie.domain. Try None instead." 160 # Use max age only if the cookie shall explicitly be permanent 161 self.cookie_max_age = get("visit.cookie.permanent", 162 False) and int(get("visit.timeout", "20")) * 60 or None 163"Visit filter initialized")
165 - def before_main(self):
166 """Check whether submitted request belongs to an existing visit.""" 167 if not config.get("visit.on", True): 168 set_current(None) 169 return 170 visit = current() 171 if not visit: 172 visit_key = None 173 for source in self.source: 174 if source == 'cookie': 175 visit_key = cherrypy.request.simple_cookie.get( 176 self.cookie_name) 177 if visit_key: 178 visit_key = visit_key.value 179 log.debug("Retrieved visit key '%s' from cookie '%s'.", 180 visit_key, self.cookie_name) 181 elif source == 'form': 182 visit_key = cherrypy.request.params.pop( 183 self.visit_key_param, None) 184 log.debug( 185 "Retrieved visit key '%s' from request param '%s'.", 186 visit_key, self.visit_key_param) 187 if visit_key: 188 visit = _manager.visit_for_key(visit_key) 189 break 190 if visit: 191 log.debug("Using visit from request with key: %s", visit_key) 192 else: 193 visit_key = self._generate_key() 194 visit = _manager.new_visit_with_key(visit_key) 195 log.debug("Created new visit with key: %s", visit_key) 196 self.send_cookie(visit_key) 197 set_current(visit) 198 # Inform all the plugins that a request has been made for the current 199 # visit. This gives plugins the opportunity to track click-path or 200 # retrieve the visitor's identity. 201 try: 202 for plugin in _plugins: 203 plugin.record_request(visit) 204 except cherrypy.InternalRedirect, e: 205 # Can't allow an InternalRedirect here because CherryPy is dumb, 206 # instead change cherrypy.request.object_path to the url desired. 207 cherrypy.request.object_path = e.path
208 209 @staticmethod
210 - def _generate_key():
211 """Return a (pseudo)random hash based on seed.""" 212 # Adding remoteHost and remotePort doesn't make this any more secure, 213 # but it makes people feel secure... It's not like I check to make 214 # certain you're actually making requests from that host and port. So 215 # it's basically more noise. 216 key_string = '%s%s%s%s' % (random(),, 217 cherrypy.request.remote_host, cherrypy.request.remote_port) 218 return sha1(key_string).hexdigest()
219 229
251 252 -class BaseVisitManager(threading.Thread):
254 - def __init__(self, timeout):
255 super(BaseVisitManager, self).__init__(name="VisitManager") 256 self.timeout = timeout 257 self.queue = dict() 258 self.lock = threading.Lock() 259 self._shutdown = threading.Event() 260 self.interval = config.get('visit.interval', 30) # seconds 261 # We must create the visit model before the manager thread is started. 262 self.create_model() 263 self.setDaemon(True) 264 self.start()
266 - def create_model(self):
267 pass
269 - def new_visit_with_key(self, visit_key):
270 """Return a new Visit object with the given key.""" 271 raise NotImplementedError
273 - def visit_for_key(self, visit_key):
274 """Return the visit for this key. 275 276 Return None if the visit doesn't exist or has expired. 277 278 """ 279 raise NotImplementedError
281 - def update_queued_visits(self, queue):
282 """Extend the expiration of the queued visits.""" 283 raise NotImplementedError
285 - def update_visit(self, visit_key, expiry):
286 try: 287 self.lock.acquire() 288 self.queue[visit_key] = expiry 289 finally: 290 self.lock.release()
292 - def shutdown(self, timeout=None):
293 try: 294 self.lock.acquire() 295 self._shutdown.set() 296 self.join(timeout) 297 finally: 298 self.lock.release() 299 if self.isAlive(): 300 log.error("Visit Manager thread failed to shutdown.")
302 - def run(self):
303 while not self._shutdown.isSet(): 304 self.lock.acquire() 305 if self._shutdown.isSet(): 306 self.lock.release() 307 continue 308 queue = None 309 try: 310 # make a copy of the queue and empty the original 311 if self.queue: 312 queue = self.queue.copy() 313 self.queue.clear() 314 if queue is not None: 315 self.update_queued_visits(queue) 316 finally: 317 self.lock.release() 318 self._shutdown.wait(self.interval)