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When using TurboGears, your controller methods get their arguments built from the various GET, POST, and URL mechanisms provided by CherryPy. The only downside is that all the arguments will be strings and you’d like them converted to their normal Python datatype: numbers to int, dates to datetime, etc.

This conversion functionality is provided by the FormEncode package and is applied to your methods using the @validate() decorator. FormEncode provides both validation and conversion as a single step, reasoning that you frequently need to validate something before you can convert it or that you’ll need to convert something before you can really validate it.

The @validate() decorator can evaluate both widget-based forms and the standard CherryPy arguments. The @validate() decorator is not required in order to use TurboGears. If you don’t put a @validate() decorator on your method, you’ll simply have to do the string validation and conversion yourself.

Validating Widget Forms

The simplest way to use @validate() is to pass in a reference to a widgets-based form instance:

def show_form(self, field1, field2, ...):
    return dict(form=yourpkg.forms.a_form)

where yourpkg.forms.a_form is an instance of a turbogears.widgets.Form sub-class or a callable that returns such an instance. The callable will be called for each request, so you can dynamically build forms depending on the request context.

The widgets system will take care of building a schema to handle the data conversions and you’ll wind up with the int or datetime objects you specified when building the form. When paired with the error handling decorators, you can handle the common case of building a form, validating it, re-displaying the form if there are errors, and converting a valid form into the proper arguments in only a few lines of Python.

Validating Arguments (Without Form Widgets)

When not using forms, the story gets a bit more complex. Basically, you need to specify which validator goes with which argument using the validators keyword argument for the validate decorator. Here’s a simple example:

from turbogears import controllers, expose, validate, validators

class Root(controllers.RootController):

    @validate(validators = dict(
        # Only letters/numbers/underscores/dashes
        # Default value 'M'
        size=validators.OneOf(['S', 'M', 'L'], if_empty='M'),
        # Required field
    def storeitem(self, tg_errors=None, **kwargs):
        if tg_errors:
            pass # handle the error however you want!
        return dict(newvalue=value*2)

As you can see FormEncode and TurboGears provide a number of useful validators that are available in the turbogears.validators module.

For most validators, you can pass keyword arguments for more specific constraints. For the list of available validators, check both the FormEncode validators and TurboGears validators (source) modules. You can also create your own validators or build on existing validators by inheriting from one of the defaults. See the FormEncode documentation for how this is done.

The dictionary passed to the validators argument of the validate decorator maps the incoming field names to the appropriate FormEncode validators - in this example, we used PlainText, OneOf and Money. If all values pass validation, tg_errors won’t change from it’s default value of None and you are assured that value will be an int. Wait a minute! What’s this tg_errors?

Handling Validation Errors

If there’s a validation error, a dictionary named tg_errors will be passed to the function, with keys for the field names that failed validation. If you look up the keys, such as tg_errors['value'], you’ll find an Invalid exception object. Invalid exception objects can be str()‘d if you’d like to use them as user-friendly error messages or you can use the information contained in them to handle the error as you like:

def index(self, value=0, tg_errors=None):
    if tg_errors:
        message = ', '.join(str(item) for item in tg_errors.values())
        message = "Success!"
    return dict(message=message)


If you use form-based validation or if you pass a validation schema to the validators argument (see below), the values in the tg_errors will already be coerced into strings for your convenience. If you still need access to the Invalid exception object thrown by the validation schema, you can access it through cherrypy.request.validation_exception and retrieve the Invalid exceptions for the individual fields that failed validation through its error_dict attribute.


If you omit the tg_errors=None keyword from the controller method’s arguments, you get told that there is no error handler function. This is a bit misleading as you don’t really need an error handler if you handle things on your own, as explained here. See the documentation on Error Handling for learning more about error handlers.

Schema Validation

If you want to do multiple-field validation, reuse validators or just clean up your code, validation Schema``s are the way to go. You create a validation schema by inheriting from ``turbogears.validators.Schema and pass the newly created Schema as the validators argument instead of passing a dictionary:

class MySchema(validators.Schema):
    pwd1 = validators.String(not_empty=True)
    pwd2 = validators.String(not_empty=True)
    chained_validators = [validators.FieldsMatch('pwd1', 'pwd2')]

def password(self, pwd1, pwd2, tg_errors=None):
    if tg_errors:
        return "There was an error"
    return "Password ok!"

Besides noticing our brilliant security strategy, please notice the chained_validators part of the schema that guarantees a pair of matching fields.

Again, for information about Invalid exception objects, creating your own validators, schema and FormEncode in general, refer to the FormEncode Validator documentation and don’t be afraid to check the formencode.validators source. It’s often more clear than the docs.

Converting URL Strings to Python Types Manually

You can always use e.g. Python’s int() method to convert a string to an integer and use a try/except block to catch errors in the conversion process:

from turbogears import controllers, expose

class Root(controllers.RootController):

    def addnum(self, x, y):
        """Return the result of x+y."""
           return str(int(x) + int(y))
        except ValueError:
           return "Input is not valid!"

This isn’t that hard, but it quickly becomes unwieldy when you start converting large numbers of arguments. Moreover, you still have the problem of propagating the errors back to your users. In the end, it’s usually far simpler to use the validation framework.

Advanced Topics

Providing State

Sometimes you need access to external and possibly dynamic information in your validators, for example to change the outcome of the validation depending on this information. The validate_python and _to_python methods of all validators take an optional argument called state which is exactly for this purpose. The value of this argument should be a turbogears.util.Bunch-like object (i.e. just a simple data class that has arbitrary attributes) which provides the state information for the validator (schema). See the FormEncode documentation about ‘state’ for more information.

The validate decorator function takes a keyword argument named state_factory which expects a callable, which should return a Bunch object suitable to be passed as the state parameter to the validator schema of the form widget.

Here’s a small example of how you can provide a validator with access to information about the current request:

from turbogears import util, expose, validate
from myproject.forms import myform

def state_provider():
    return util.Bunch(request=cherrypy.request)

@validate(form=myform, state_factory=state_provider)
def mymethod(self, ...)

When You Really Need That Value: failsafe_values

When the arguments, for whatever reason, fail validation, you will receive no values for the failing arguments.

If you would rather not get a tg_errors dict when this occurs, simply provide the validator with a value for its if_invalid keyword argument.

If you’d like to get both a tg_errors dict (so you can do some error handling) and a default value, supply a dictionary to the failsafe_values keyword argument containing the parameter/value pairs:

def password(self, pwd1, pwd2, tg_errors=None):
    if tg_errors:
        return "There was an error"
    return "Password ok!"